Our Core Vision

At Oakwell Private Wealth Management, our mission is to help you find peace of mind through your financial journey. Experience the confidence and calm as we walk beside you along your personal financial path. We serve as your financial navigator with a commitment to serving as a trusted partner for you and your family.

The Oakwell Difference

Lou & Anthony at table

Our Collaborative Approach

You don't have to become a financial expert to discover the right answers. When you partner with Oakwell Private Wealth Management, your needs take center stage. We delve into understanding your unique definition of financial freedom, ensuring you reap the benefits of our entire team's collaborative efforts.

Meet Your Team


How much do you really know about retirement benefits? If you’re like most Americans, it’s not that much. In fact, most of us have fairly poor “retirement literacy,” especially when it comes to the finer points of retirement benefits. 1 That may not seem like a big deal, but it can give rise to all sorts of landmines in the future, possibly derailing your retirement plans and goals. It could also impact your quality of...
What was the last money mistake you made? If you’re like most folks, you’ve made at least one upsetting money mistake in the past year — and you’d like to do better. In fact, most folks admit their finances have not gotten better over the past year. And at least half of them say the real problem is that their money mistakes have turned into bad financial habits.
Smart investing doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Current events matter, and this year, the 2024 Presidential Elections are taking center stage. That’s rattling a lot of us, causing more election stress than ever before.1 It’s also raising a lot of questions about investing in election years, how to respond to market uncertainty, and what money moves truly make sense. Here’s a handful of key factors to keep in mind when you’re investing in an election year.